OHS Heading - Class of 1961

OHS Leaving Certificate Class of 1961
ROW 5: John Noble; David Reynolds; Richard Cantrill; Kerry Linegar; Gordon Saundry; Alan Copeland; Robert Lang
ROW 4: Alan Dein; Frank Cullen; Peter Smee; Geoff Board; Jock Sampson; Patrick O'Brien; Peter Martin
ROW 3: John Schmeling; David Johnston; Bruce Fairhall; John Watts; Klaus Hueneke; Peter Dumbrell; Max Champion; Ken Stone
ROW 2: John Bailey; Richard Johnson; Peter Layton; Angela Birdsall; Robyn Flynn; Carmel Cridland; Patricia Salter; Fay Gransden; Deidre Causbrook; Lynette Gallard; Graeme Taylor; Robert Sampson; Trevor Wright
ROW 1: Dot Hawke; Helen Culverson; Alison Smith; Pamela Johnson; Ione Grant; Ruby Carter; Alan Thomas (School Vice Captain); Joan Pink (School Vice Captain); Yvonne Ridley (School Captain); Richard Spurway (School Captain); Janice Henson; Marilyn Hocking; Karen Shaw; Joan Wheeler; Ruth Musgrove; Gai Coomber
ABSENT: Robyn Anderson; Joy Christie; Jim Clement; Wolfgang Schmidt; Nelson Wills (56 Students in total)

OHS Class Photos

There were many students who shared a part of the 1957-1961 journey with us at Orange High School.
Contact emails for our Class and those Contemporaries we have so far located are listed
lower down this page, and we keep looking for more!

Mirror 1962 Cover    THE CLASS OF 1961 - in THE MIRROR
The extracts below are from pages 43 to 47 of the Golden Jubilee edition (1912-1962) of The Mirror,
the Magazine of Orange High School, and relate to our class of 1961.
  The Ian Blakemore Memorial Awards (Fifth Year):
  The Senior Awards for Citizenship:
  Outstanding Sportsmanship and School Spirit:
  Dux of School:
  General Proficiency:

Joan Pink and Alan Thomas
Yvonne Ridley and Richard Spurway
Peter Smee and Ione Grant
Richard Johnson
Joan Pink and Peter Layton
      Ancient History:
      Mathematics I and II:
      General Mathematics:
      Combined Physics and Chemistry:
      Descriptive Geometry and Drawing:
      Home Economics:

Joan Pink and Richard Johnson
Marilyn Hocking
Fay Gransden
Joan Pink and Janice Henson
Klaus Hueneke
Richard Johnson
Nelson Wills
Richard Johnson
Alan Copeland
Angela Birdsall
Janice Henson
Patrick O'Brien
Klaus Hueneke
Klaus Hueneke
Robyn Anderson
Yvonne Ridley
Ione Grant
Key to Subjects of Examination
      1.    English
      2.    Latin
      3.    French
      4.    German
    12.    Ancient History
    13.    Modern History
    14.    Geography
    15.    Economics
    16.    Mathematics I
    17.    Mathematics II
    18.    General Mathematics
20.    Combined Physics & Chemistry
21.    Physics
22.    Chemistry
23.    Biology
31.    Descriptive Geometry & Drawing
32.    Needlecraft & Garment Construction
33.    Home Economics
34.    Art
36.    Woodwork
37.    Metalwork
Codes Used: The code "H1" signifies First Class Honours; "H2" Second Class Honours; "A" First Class Pass; and "B" Second Class Pass. The sign "o" denotes those who have passed in the oral language tests in that particular language
Our Class Results from the 1961 Leaving Certificate
  ANDERSON, Robyn: 1A, 12B, 13B, 33B
  BAILEY, John: 1B, 13B, 14A, 16B, 17B, 21B
  BIRDSALL, Angela D: 1H2, 3Bo, 13B, 15B, 18B, 34B
  BOARD, Geoffrey: 1A, 3B, 16B, 17B, 21B, 22B
  CARTER, Ruby: 1B, 3B, 12B, 14B, 32A, 34A
  CAUSBROOK, Deirdre: 1B, 14B, 32B, 33B
  CHAMPION, Maxwell: 1A, 3Ao, 16H2, 17A, 21A, 22A
  CHRISTIE, Joy: 1A, 13B, 15B, 18B, 21B, 22A
  CLEMENT, James: 1B, 13B, 14B, 16B, 17B, 21B
  COOMBER, Gai: 1B, 12B, 14B, 15B, 33B
  COPELAND, Alan: 1A, 14B, 16B, 20B
  CRIDLAND, Carmel: 1A, 13B, 14A, 15B, 18B, 20A
  CULLEN, Francis: 1B, 13B, 14B, 18B, 20B
  CULVERSON, Helen: 1A, 12B, 13B, 32B, 33A
  DEIN, Alan: 1B, 13B, 14B, 18B, 20A
  DUMBRELL, Peter: 1B, 14B, 16A, 17A, 21A, 31A
  FAIRHALL, Bruce: 1B, 16A, 17B, 21B, 22B
  GALLARD, Lynette: 1A, 3B, 13B, 15B, 18B, 20A
  GRANSDEN, Fay: 1B, 12B, 13B, 14B, 15B, 33B
  GRANT, Ione: 1B, 12B, 13B, 14B, 32B, 34A
  HAWKE, Dorothy: 1B, 12A, 13B, 14A, 15B, 20A
  HENSON, Janice: 1A, 3H2o, 14B, 15B, 18B, 22A
  HOCKING, Marilyn: 1H2, 3Bo, 13B, 14B, 15A, 18B
  HUENEKE, Klaus: 1B, 4H1, 18B, 31B, 36B, 37A
  JOHNSON, Pamela: 1B, 3B, 12B, 13B, 14B, 32B
JOHNSON, Richard: 1A, 13B, 16A, 17A, 21H1, 22H1
JOHNSTON, David: 1B, 13B, 14B, 15B, 18B, 31B
LANG, Robert: 1B, 12B, 13B, 14B, 15B, 31B
LAYTON, Peter: 1A, 13A, 16H2, 17A, 21A, 22H1
MARTIN, Peter: 1A, 12B, 14B, 36B, 37A
MUSGROVE, Ruth: 1B, 14B, 15B, 18B, 33B
## NOBLE, John: 1A, 3Ao, 16H1, 17A, 21H1, 22A
O'BRIEN, Patrick: 1B, 16B, 17A, 21A, 22A, 31A
## PINK, Joan: 1A, 3H1o, 16A, 17A, 21A, 22H1
SALTER, Patricia: 1B, 12B, 14B, 15B, 33A
SAMPSON, John: 1B, 12B, 13B, 14B, 15B
SAMPSON, Robert: 12B, 13B, 14B, 37B
SAUNDRY, Gordon: 1B, 12B, 14B, 15B, 34B
SCHMELING, John: 1B, 13B, 18B, 31B, 37B
SHAW, Karen: 1A, 13B, 15B, 18B, 34B
SMEE, Peter: 1A, 3Ao, 16A, 17A, 21B, 27A
SMITH, Alison: 1B, 13B, 14B, 18B, 32B, 33B
SPURWAY, Richard: 1B, 13B, 14B, 15B, 18B, 20A
STONE, Kenneth: 1A, 13B, 14A, 15A, 34A
TAYLOR, Graeme: 1A, 13B, 14A, 15B
THOMAS, Alan: 13B, 14A, 18B, 31B
WATTS, John: 14B, 16B, 17B, 20B, 31B
WHEELER, Joan: 1B, 13B, 14B, 15B, 33B
WRIGHT, Trevor: 1B, 12B, 13B, 36B, 37A
   ## Maximum Pass
    Results Statistics:
    Of the 55 candidates who presented themselves for the leaving Certificate examination, 49 were successful in passing.
    A precedent was established when two pupils, Joan Pink and John Noble, secured maximum passes.
    1st Class HONOURS - 8; 2nd Class HONOURS - 5; "A'' Passes - 71; "B" Passes - 130


On Tuesday, 12th December, the Forty-Eighth Orange High School Speech Night was held in the School Assembly Hall.
Before a capacity audience the night's programme commenced with the singing of the National Anthem and the School Song.
The Principal, Mr. L. D. O'Sullivan, in the presentation of the Annual Report, praised the work of the P & C Association in providing some £7,000 for the school's sporting facilities, namely the completion of the new playing fields. Attention was focussed upon the new curriculum to be introduced for the first year pupils of 1962, and upon the high academic ability of the school's pupils past and present. As CBN-8's television station was nearing completion, the principal warned the parents against the possible effects that constant viewing could have on the pupils. Finally Mr. O'Sullivan acknowledged the Departmental aid received by the school during the year.
Following this report came the presentation of Leaving and Intermediate Certificates for the previous year (1960).
A rendition of two songs "Come To The Fair" and "We Three Kings," under the direction of the choir mistress Mrs. Ball, then preceded an address by Mr. lngram, Area Secondary lnspector of Schools.
The presentation of Special Awards, Academic Prizes and Debating Trophies followed.
One of the highlights of the evening was the investiture of the Prefects for 1962, a most impressive ceremony for participants and onlookers alike.
The Annual Sports Reports followed, delivered by the Sports Master, Mr. T. Hunt, and the Sports Mistress, Miss J. Yates, in which they complimented the teams and outstanding sportsmen, and thanked the various organizations for the use of the grounds and the sporting facilities.
Finally, the Sports Awards were presented and the evening was concluded by a vote of thanks to the Chairman and Donors of Prizes by Archdeacon Chas. Arnold.


On the evening Friday, 27th October, the Fifth Year Students were farewelled at a banquet given by Fourth Year.
The Banquet was very ably chaired by Andrew Struik who opened the official part of the function with a toast to the Queen. The School Captains Yvonne Ridley and Richard Spurway proposed a toast to the School and Mr. O'Sullivan replied, commenting on the outstanding roles played by the Fifth Year students in both sporting and scholastic fields throughout the year.
It was then the Headmaster's great pleasure to accept on behalf of the School, Fifth Year's annual gift of something lasting and practical, on this occasion a set of large bronze letters which spelt out "ORANGE HIGH SCHOOL." These have since been erected in a prominent position over the main front entrance and now proudly proclaim to passers-by the name of Orange High.
Toasts to the departing Fifth Years were proposed by Roslyn Robards and Phillip Britten. The Vice-Captains Joan Pink and Alan Thomas replied.
Pat Watts then presented the traditional cake, made and beautifully decorated by the Fourth Year Cookery class. This was followed by a toast to the Staff, most of whom were present at the function, by David Johnston and Karen Shaw, and an amusing and apt reply was made by our Deputy, Mr. Laurenson.
Finally, the toast to "Our Hosts," Fourth Year, was proposed, and in doing so, Bruce Fairhall and Ruth Musgrove made special mention of the cooking class that, under the guidance of Mrs. Langridge, had prepared the delicious meal, and of the other members of Fourth Year who had decorated the room and assisted with the organization of the function.
After the School Song, Auld Lang Syne and the National Anthem, the party moved across to the Assembly Hall for the Farewell Dance and Social.

  I wonder how this sort of event would be received for the final year class farewell in a high school today?

The Class of 1961 - by Surname (Contact = Email link)

Anderson, Robyn Hawke, Dorothy Contact Bailey, John Contact Noble, John
Birdsall, Angela Contact Henson, Janice Board, Geoff Contact O'Brien, Patrick Contact
Carter, Ruby Deceased Hocking, Marilyn "Jess" Contact Cantrill, Richard Reynolds, David
Causbrook, Deidre Contact Johnson, Pamela Contact Champion, Max Deceased Sampson, John
Christie, Joy Contact Musgrove, Ruth Contact Clement, James Contact Sampson, Robert Deceased
Coomber, Gai Deceased Pink, Joan Contact Copeland, Alan Deceased Saundry, Gordon Deceased
Cridland, Carmel Contact Ridley, Yvonne Deceased Cullen, Frank Contact Schmidt, Wolfgang
Culverson, Helen Salter, Patricia Contact Dein, Alan Schmeling, John Contact
Flynn, Robyn Deceased Shaw, Karen Contact Dumbrell, Peter Contact Smee, Peter Deceased
Gallard, Lynette Smith, Alison Contact Fairhall, Bruce Contact Spurway, Richard Contact
Gransden, Fay Contact Wheeler, Joan Contact Hueneke, Klaus Contact Stone, Kenneth Contact
Grant, Ione Deceased Johnson, Richard Deceased Taylor, Graeme Deceased
Johnston, David Contact Thomas, Alan Contact
Lang, Robert Watts, John Contact
Layton, Peter Wright, Trevor
Linegar, Kerry Deceased Wills, Nelson Deceased
Martin, Peter Contact

Contemporaries Located (Contact = Email link)

Pam Barnes Contact Ruth Peterson Contact Peter Boyer Contact John Jones Contact
Robin Bowers Contact Elaine Richards David Brown Warren Kidson Contact
Marlene Cantrill Contact Marlene Rodwell Deceased Terry Cridland Stephen Morris Contact
Meryl Cantrill Contact Maureen Rosser Contact Ian Davidson Max Preen
Carolyn Deans Andrea Scott Contact Peter Dunn Garry Rayner Contact
Dianne Evans Contact Helen Smith Borry Gartrell Contact Kerry Rawson Contact
Rae Evans Contact Gloria Sweeting Ron Goodhew John Rodis Contact
Jenny Head Contact Jenny Trimmer Contact David Greatbatch Dennis Smith
Janice Jones Gwen Whiley Contact John Healy Grahame Spurway Contact
Jenny Maizey Contact Dudley Hill Contact Rod Taylor Contact
Helen Martin Glen Hunt Deceased Phil Wilson Contact

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Page updated on: 14 Feb. 2024